Print & Web zines that accept online submissions of written material

( posted January 2, 2002)

At the start of every year, my friend Cantara Christopher puts out two updated marketing PDFs: SUBMIT ONLINE 101 and SUBMIT ONLINE 49. The first is an Acrobat readable list of 101 print and Web zines that accept online submissions and PAY for stories, the second is a list of 49 print and Web zines that have good reputations and accept online submissions (mostly of fiction) but don't offer payment. Each list also has an introduction with clear and valuable advice for preparing submissions.

This link dowloads the SUBMIT ONLINE 49 list in PDF format.

This link goes to Cantara's site.


Joel Pomerantz

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d o a j i g @ e a r t h l i n k . n e t


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